How to generate lots of new ideas

Want to spark fresh ideas? Whenever you face a new challenge or problem with your team (or even solo), try this! Turn a blank slate into a concise, well-assessed list of viable ideas ready for action. Frame your problem as a question Generate lots of ideas Develop and clarify your ideas

How to lead a Design Dash

Want to turn your team’s uncertainty into a testable solution quickly? Lead your team in identifying key problems, generating solutions, and prioritising the best ideas. Identify opportunities for improvement Find unexpected solutions Prioritise the best ideas

How to Get Unstuck

Want to get unstuck? Assess what’s wrong with a team or project critically, explore options, and agree on a viable solution to fix what’s not working. Understand your goals Get to the root cause Find a solution to the problem

How to lead a Retrospective

Want to boost your team’s productivity? Reflect together on successes and failures, then act on them. In bi-weekly sessions, learn and improve from each experience. Focus on feelings Facilitate a discussion Create an actionable to-do list