Join me on a walkthrough with Pip Decks customer Ryan Baudoin, a cyber security specialist at Cisco. He needs to persuade corporate clients to invest in systems that can cope with the unpredictable world of remote working.
Ryan already had a hunch that he wanted to use the Order & Chaos tactic. But we went right back to basics: starting with some scoping questions and ending up with a pitch outline.
Ryan kindly shared his final presentation with us (see the SASE.ppt file at the bottom of the page). Can you see how his product brings order to a chaotic world?
It’s a long chat. I tend to think aloud and repeat myself. So I recorded an eight minute summary here.
Befuddle by the overabundance of information on power point presentation.
I thought your purpose was geared towards more storytelling while minimizing power point.
In fairness James, I’ve nothing against PowerPoint when used properly. You can put lots of text on screen, so long as you reveal it line by line in a way that keeps our attention focussed where you want it to be (cf the Show and Tell card). Not every presenter is happy to go totally PPt free – and not every audience wants that either. A well presented text-heavy slide can be a real benefit to someone who doesn’t speak English as a first language, for example.
In fairness to the final presentation, we can’t see whether those text lines come up one by one as reveals. You can put lots of text on a slide, so long as you reveal it line by line in a way that directs our attention to what you’re saying. You can’t bang 150 words up at once and expect us to listen to you read them out.