How to make your story coherent with the “Golden Thread”
Three stages to identifying the powerful theme running through your story.
Three stages to identifying the powerful theme running through your story.
Beat the bot: looking at Chat GPT and how writing your own real stories will be make them more vivid, emotional and meaningful.
Need a story in a hurry? Get started RIGHT NOW with a simple Storyteller Tactic combination!
4 cards to help shape what kind of story you tell depending on your audience and their needs.
Get started with storytelling – fast! Find stories you can tell in one, three or five minutes.
What makes the difference between a good presentation and one you can’t wait to get out of? Are good presenters born, or made? Here are some essential presentation tips to make you a better presenter and public speaker.
3 Storyteller Tactics cards to help you discover your next story.
How to combine the power of Storyteller Tactics and Workshop Tactics.
Stories help us ‘see’ what you mean better than just facts or opinions.
Using emotions to take you to the heart of your story, and finding the right story that fits you and the customer.